Media and Entertainment

Empowering Media & Entertainment with smarter solutions

Tackle the toughest challenges - deduplicating content, reducing AI costs, optimising streaming, and automating IMF creation.


Ad Signal has developed the best
products for your needs

Deduplicate content and save storage costs

The challenge

Broadcasters manage extensive content libraries with numerous versions of the same programme. This leads to increased storage costs and operational inefficiencies.

Our solution

Match - deduplicates video content, significantly reducing storage needs. For instance, a UK broadcaster holding 127 versions of a single episode could reduce this to just 20 unique versions, saving up to 60% of storage costs and carbon emissions.

Save up to
in storage costs and carbon

See what Match can do for you
Without Ad Signal Match, duplicate content is stored. With Ad Signal Match, only the unique content is stored.

Reduce AI cost and carbon by 75%

The challenge

Broadcasters rely heavily on AI for tagging and organising content, but processing duplicate images and audio across large libraries leads to unnecessary costs and increased carbon emissions.

Our solution

Beyond solving duplication, Match also reduces AI costs and carbon emissions by 75-80%.

Save up to
in AI cost and carbon

See what Match can do for you
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Near real-time playout detection with proven 99.9% accuracy

The challenge

Ensuring accurate playout tracking and third-party verification can be complex and time-consuming.

Our solution

Assure - provides robust playout tracking and is Barb-compatible, ensuring precise third-party verification. Broadcasters can trust that their content is being monitored accurately, reducing the risk of errors and saving valuable time.

proven accuracy

See what Assure can do for you
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Accelerate editing and understand rights

The challenge

Managing content rights and editing can be labour-intensive.

Our solution

Harmonise - provides detailed content genealogy, linking related assets down to the millisecond. This accelerates editing and clarifies content rights, saving hundreds of person-hours per project.

See what Harmonise can do for you
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Automate IMF for cost-effective content creation

The challenge

Manually creating IMF packages is time-consuming and prone to errors, making it unsuitable for handling existing content.

Our solution

Compose - automates the entire process of creating IMF packages from traditional assets, ensuring seamless audio quality and self-validated outputs.

This automation allows all of your existing content to be migrated to the IMF format, automatically determining which content belongs in the same package.

This reduces the total file size by more than 90%.

More than
file size reduction

See what Compose can do for you
Storage use with Ad Signal Match & Compose

Optimise ABR for leaner and greener streaming

The challenge

Streamed versions of the same content, such as different languages and director's cuts, often contain duplicate video and audio chunks, increasing CDN utilisation.

Our solution

Compose - identifies every unique chunk of video and audio inside HLS/DASH formats, ensuring each is hosted in the CDN only once. This reduces CDN usage by an average of 80%, resulting in 80% less costs and carbon emissions.

Save up to
in CDN costs and carbon

See what Compose can do for you
Storage use with Ad Signal Match & Compose
CDN savings at scale

Start saving on storage costs and carbon today

Start your free trial